Monday, July 29, 2024

Painting things red

I've recently heard this song "Red" by Daniel Merriweather and the lyrics really meant something to me. Here's the main ones which resonated with me:

Knowing that love isn’t here,
You see the pictures
But you don’t know their names,
Cause love isn’t here

And I can’t do this by myself,
All of these problems, they’re all in your head.
And I can’t be somebody else,
You took something perfect
And painted it red.

Behind your lies
I can see the secrets you don’t show.

I might find this difficult to explain, but I'll try...

Clearly here is a man who has tried to connect on a deeper level with a woman who won't let him, she won't accept the good things for what they are and she won't ever let her life be perfect. She covers up her tender secrets with a film of lies. I've felt that way often myself, from the woman's perspective I mean. I've felt unable to love, unable to give those last parts of myself, unable to trust and unable to tell the truth about my feelings and I've constructed so many lies to hide it all that sometimes I've not been able to remember what version of myself I was portraying.

I can't accept perfect things and I "paint them red". It's easier to do this with everything than to work out what is and what isn't perfect.

To explain it all here is to get deeper down than I feel I should, no-one needs to lay themselves completely bare for all to see, because it's so difficult to heal over those wounds again. You have to deal with things for yourself and in your own way and rely on yourself ultimately to keep your own truths and secrets. You see it so many times with celebrities who say too much about themselves in the public arena and who can't then ever seem to make their lives their own again.

I learnt a very valuable lesson about this recently, that opening yourself up for the sake of nurturing a full relationship with someone leaves you vulnerable and raw. Now that a particular relationship has ended I can finally close up those wounds and let them heal naturally, but I couldn't see at the time that this was what I needed to do. I thought it was a nurturing relationship, I took a chance and opened up in a way I had never done before, and I got hurt in the end. I had already healed those wounds up myself once, admittedly there was a lot of scar tissue, but that's inevitable. I got caught up in thinking that opening them up and healing them in a different way would leave a neater result, but I was wrong. I should have just painted it red, should have just remained closed off inside and happy on the outside as I've lived a lot of my life.

There is a danger that if you let yourself fall apart too much you can be left without the control to put yourself back together and you have to rely on others to do it for you. Some people are comfortable with that, but I've spent most of my life trying to avoid it at all costs, denying the need for comfort and support, rather than allowing myself to rely on it and get hurt when it doesn't work out or when people turn away from me.

I'm not talking from any unhappy point of view here by the way, I'm not depressed about it, I just was struck by how much this song meant to me and the struggles I've been having recently with letting go of enough of myself to allow others to understand the real me, but in balancing this with my instinctive need to protect myself. Honesty is an incredibly vulnerable place and it's a place I'm not comfortable living in, which might seem strange coming from such an honest blogger, I feel it's more a place to be visited when necessary.

What these thoughts led me to was the question of why I feel so different, why I often feel so empty and devoid of the emotional depths that other people seem to dive into so freely. I used to think I was unusual in this respect, but then why would this song mean so much to people that it's become a chart success and so many people identify with it? This started me thinking that actually we are not all that different to each other. The singer felt these things, very likely about a real girl, I've read poems and stories and seen characters in film and in dramas who all fit into this category: the ones who paint things red.

Maybe I'm not so different to everyone else? Maybe I've had natural reactions to events and I'm just following the same road anyone else would follow? I spent a while trying to decide whether this was a comfort or whether it destroyed the specialness I felt that I had. We all have to feel like we have something unique don't we?

I think in the end it's a comfort, that so many people have had the same struggles and ended up the same way and I'm not on the path less trodden after all.



  1. Ah...I was wondering where you'd got to, you little minx, you..I thought you didn't love me anymore.

    Next time, make sure you give me a schedule of your movements and whereabouts. I mean, what? Did you think this was a free country or summat?

    Hope you're having a good holiday, kiddo.

    Love, Mishari

  2. Misha,

    Of course I love you, I've just needed a holiday from the words as well as the homestead, expect some photos of beaches and poetry about seagulls sometime. The beach was every bit as glorious as the picture below, but the company was a little grating in places. Plenty of Cornish pasties too, although as I discovered to my embarassment that all pasties in Cornwall being "Cornish" you have to be a bit more specific...

    I'll come visit soon... x

  3. you are so right. once a wound is healed, let it go... bareing it, over and over again, will not heal it any more or better than it already has. i too am one for selective (dare i say) honesty or revelation. some of our burdens are too heavy for another to carry, and those you should deal with by yourself and make peace with them, but don't necessarily need to share with another... i hope you understand what i'm getting at... interesting post!

  4. Yes Shadow, I do understand you and it's so good to know that I'm making some sense because I found it quite difficult to describe what I meant once I started. Did you like the song? (there is a link at the top)

  5. I love to visit with you, Pink...I always know I will read something honest, authentic and beautiful! Your heart is very beautiful, and I hate to think that anyone has trampled it!!!! Love to you~Janine XO

  6. Hello Janine! - nice to see you travelling about the place again, I do hope you are well at the moment.

    Don't worry about me, I'm a tough old bird. I think what you see is me going through the process of realising just what a tough old bird I actually am. I like to share my observations of myself, of life in general, and the whimsical thoughts I have from my reactions to things in life, but I don't feel trampled at the moment.

    Honesty is very easy here, probably too easy sometimes, I dread to think what would happen if some of the people I'm being honest about turn up here and read this blog (hmm... I feel a post coming on about that sometime)

  7. First, no worries about how often you are able to drop by! I know life is busy and I am shocked that we take the time to visit the blogs of strangers here, we take time to drop by and say I care about what is happening in your life as often as any of us bloggers do!

    I agree with your post. In the end there is a comfort.

  8. Opening up to someone has to feel natural. If it doesn't, it probably shouldn't happen. Perhaps if/when it feels right.. it won't be so painful.. and truly heal. I'm sorry you were hurt.

  9. Hi, Pink! Thanks for your lovely, compassionate, and encouraging words...In you, I have a soul sister! Sending you love~Janine XO

  10. Pink,

    I think we've all been here, at some point. I know i sure have. I've opened up and started building friendships and those friends took advantage of the trust and the entry into my personal life. It's hard and those wounds are hard to heal- and it's even harder to step forward and go on trusting. But, there are honest people out there who can be trusted.

    I love this post. It's so honest and real and raw. :) It speaks truth to me.

  11. E - I'm sorry you've had those experiences. I must say that my recent experience has been a bit more complicated. It wasn't any breach of trust which was the problem as much as someone learning how to hurt me and using that to end the friendship when they decided that they didn't like my troubled parts any more, even though they were the one to encourage me to show those parts - that's what the Monster poem about is all about too.

    I don't blame this person for not wanting to be friends on that level, it was hard work, but I do know that I will never be able to forget the hurtful things which were said or that I contributed to them being able to be said by being so open.
